Hi guys, my name is Dani, I am an Italian boy living in the UK. My journey into the world of drawing and t-shirt design started around July 2020. I was in a period of severe depression during the pandemic (I was working and I work currently too in the sanitary sector), and looking for a relief valve, I decided to buy an i-pad to be able to draw. My wallet is still crying, but I must say that this choice has greatly improved my quality of life. I immediately put my all into this hobby without ever having great expectations. What mattered was just slicing through the stress. Already a week after the purchase, I felt reborn. The drawing gave me a perspective I had totally lost before.
I went from dealing with topics such as classical anatomical drawing, immediately after vectorial, shortly after 3D modeling, to moving on to a self-taught study of more classical design. It was a true escalation of a desire to learn that gave me the strength and will to live.
The choice of t-shirts, however, does not derive from a need for income, but what I appreciate in this field is its pop connotation. T-shirts can acquire different meanings, they can be manifest, critical or simple embellishments, all this while remaining cheap and within everyone's reach. Each of us in the closet has at least a dozen t-shirts of different colors and spirits that represent tastes, moods or passions. They are perhaps one of the simplest ways of expression.
In detail, I am using Amazon Merch as a distributor, and I intend to keep prices low and earnings as low as possible. An expensive t-shirt is not pop and fails its purpose.
I have left below a form with which you can contact me. Basically, I already divide myself between work, designing T-shirts and now there is also the construction of the website, so I have very little free time. However, I will do my best to answer everyone. Maybe in the future, I will also open a small forum or a Reddit page to talk about t-shirt making. I know that there are a lot of people into it ready to spend an entire day talking about it.
A small request, either positive or negative I urge you to leave a review on Amazon in case you buy the shirt. I am really curious to have your feedback, whether it is on instagram, or in the form that I provide you on this website.
Ps. I know, this site is not very professional, but this is my first time building one. I will improve it in the future.
Ps. Vol 2. I apologise for any harm done to English grammar. I'm doing my best. You are welcome to suggest whatever correction you like.
Best wishes
Ps. I know, this site is not very professional, but this is my first time building one. I will improve it in the future.
Ps. Vol 2. I apologise for any harm done to English grammar. I'm doing my best. You are welcome to suggest whatever correction you like.
Best wishes